Interview with Karthik Baskar2022-01-07T03:25:47+00:00
  • interview with Karthik Baskar


Welcome to the Achiever’s corner, where we speak with children who are already very good at other skills, and yet opt for our skill building programs. We ask them how they derive value from our course, and what takeaways from the Cuekids’ course would stay with them for a long time. Let us take a look at the interview with Karthik Baskar.

Karthik Baskar

Party events Testimonial

Karthik is very smart, passionate boy who loves the tech field. He was born in Bengaluru on 8th august 2011. He loves to play chess, play checkers and loves to read books. He spends 30 minutes a day playing chess as it’s his prior hobby. He loves to play video games or physical games.

Know more about the Course

In this Course, Unclock Your Emotional Superpower, Through the popular theme of superheros, we help kids to unravel the importance of emotions in character building. Using lots of interactive activities, games, role-plays and craftwork, we teach kids to be able to understand, comprehend, and tackle their emotions and thus become more emotionally intelligent. And what is more, each session has been carefully designed so that all children get maximum chance to participate and learn concepts for a lifetime – designed by specialists in the subject of psychology and nonverbal communication.

Tips on Parenting

Read our articles on how you can improve your bonding with your child and teach him essential skills to improve his relations with friends and family and to enhance his natural confidence.

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