We are looking for Associates!!

CueKids is rapidly expanding across India and different countries, and we are actively looking to tie up with passionate people who can help us spread the good word! If you are keen to explore how our model works, we keep organising knowledge sessions on a weekly basis.

Associate Partner 1

Interested in joining us as an Associate?

Would you like to attend our knowledge session?

What qualification do you need to join us as an Associate Partner?

  • Tap your potential to earn extra income

  • A desire to work at free will

  • Love for networking with people

  • Good communication skills

  • Basic knowledge of digital marketing

Associate Partner 2


Here are answers to typical questions we get for enrolling as an Associate Partner

How does the Associate model work

Our associate partners help us to spread goodwill about us to their network of friends, family and connections so that we get inquiries to enrol for our programs. These inquiries can be for our online or offline programs. For helping us make revenue, we share income with our partners.

Who can join as an Associate Partner

Anyone with a passion to network, earn extra income and love for marketing. Even if you do not possess these skills but would like to explore, you can join our knowledge session to know how we help our partners to gain these skills.

Will training be provided

Yes, your training will be done through a series of knowledge sharing sessions by various members of our team. We also provide short video lessons on a regular basis so that you can keep sharpening your skills of marketing – be it using digital marketing or traditional word of mouth networking.

What support will I get from CueKids

We regularly release marketing content which will be shared with you so that you can spread market within your network. If at any time you would like us to arrange free session for your group of friends, we would be happy to provide that support as well.

How long would I have to work?

It depends on your time, convenience and passion! We do not ask for any guaranteed sales happening from your end. Our brand works on goodwill and not on aggressive marketing, so you can work when you want, however much you want!

Can I learn from other associate partners?

Yes! We believe sharing experiences is the best way to grow. For this reason, we regularly hold huddle meetings so that our associate partners can put up their queries to the CueKids team. These meetings also provide a platform where you can inquire to other partners about best way to market.

Our Core Values

Know a little about our company culture and our strengths, which has helped us propel our growth forward over the last couple of years.

  • People Over Profits

  • Constantly Strive for Quality

  • Stay 3 Steps Ahead

  • Be Human, Be Honest

  • Work Smart

  • Always Be Available

  • Work With You

  • Be The Best

  • Transparent Financials

  • Always an Honest Answer

Associate Partner 3


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