What age group are your courses for?2020-12-31T09:18:18+00:00

Our group courses, online and offline, are for kids of age 7-12 years. Our personal coaching modules are for children of age 10-15 years.

Can my child understand these concepts in an online course?2024-09-11T07:16:49+00:00

Our courses are designed keeping in mind age group of children. Special role plays, discussion activities and interesting assignments to do ensures that children learn the concepts thoroughly. The teacher’s feedback is available for each parent to understand more about their child’s participation.

What are the most effective ways to improve emotional intelligence?2020-12-31T10:52:03+00:00

There are a few simple steps you can do to develop emotional intelligence

  • Focus on your own emotions first.
  • Try to understand what do you feel in different scenarios.
  • Find your emotional trigger.
  • An emotional trigger would be the things that cause you to feel or respond in a certain emotion. You can do this by introspecting your behaviour and responses.
  • Start to observe others and their emotions.
  • Once you are aware of your own emotions you will understand your start to develop an intuition for other feelings.

Emotional intelligence is very important in today’s world.

We should expose our kids to programs which help them emotional intelligence.

How can we teach personality development to children?2020-12-31T10:54:49+00:00

Personality is a very wide term there are a lot of things which come under personality. to develop this you need to break it down into what aspects you want your child to improve. Example, If you feel your child finds it difficult to speak in front of people confidently then you need to work on his public speaking skills. Once this is done tackle another aspect and so on.

Gradually you will be able to see the development of your child personality. If it is not possible for you to work with your child on any aspect. We have a lot of programs that surely cater to all your child needs.

How long are the sessions?2022-09-23T12:20:18+00:00

Each session is approximately 40 minutes long in duration. The children are required to log in 5 minutes prior to the session so that they are set up before the class begins.

How many classes are there in the program?2022-09-24T00:38:04+00:00

The full year program is divided into separate modules. Each module is made of anywhere from 10-20 sessions. You can opt for the full program or any single module. The time and date of the sessions is finalised as per the comfort of your child.

Will my child lose interest?2022-09-23T12:17:06+00:00

Absolutely not! That’s where the experience of our content design team and the teachers comes into play. Each session has activities that are very different from previous ones which keeps the child’s curiosity high. Concepts are taught through games and experimentation, not just by discussion. And the teacher ensures that each child participates in the manner they are best comfortable with.

Do I need any software for the session?2022-09-23T12:18:40+00:00

Yes, we use Zoom to conduct the workshops. It is easy to use and we provide the entry link a day prior to each session. In case the child requires any assistance in setting up, the teacher is always there to help out.

How do I keep my 11-year-old stress free?2021-01-06T09:20:18+00:00

There are a few tips that we have figured out after working with a lot of kids which you can use to help your child with stress.

-Schedule relaxing activities: Sometimes fun activity like sport and games can also become stressful and competitive.

-Reward your child’s brave behaviours: It can be a small treat, praise or a hug.

-Encourage good sleep hygiene: Good be time routine can help your child to relax before sleeping.

-Help your child to deal with their emotions: This is the most important part you need to help your child, with how to deal with their emotions.

This can also be done by taking outside help to make your child be more emotionally intelligent. Which will allow them to manage their emotions better. Hence experiencing less stress.

Why don’t we teach empathy?2021-01-06T09:29:12+00:00

Empathy is extremely important special at a young age. Research has shown that emotional intelligence and empathy in kids is thought to be more important life skill than IQ.

With a lot of experience in teaching kids different life skills. We have developed a course with helps kids understand their own and other emotions to decide how to respond in different and new situations. We achieve this by teaching everything in the form of various activities


What are some activities I can do that will make my young children smarter?2021-01-06T09:32:31+00:00

There are a lot of activities which you can indulge with your child to them smarter. Like playing or reading with them, ensuring they sleep well, exercising both physical and psychological (like problem-solving, decision making) or making them do household chores, or enrolling them for skill-building. Skill-building courses need not necessarily be curriculum-based or the most commercial ones. There are other skills also which make the children competent in the future. Some of the courses that we have are Unlocking Emotional Superpower, Public Speaking or Being A Great Detective or Owing the Stage

We at Cue kids (an initiative by Simply Body Talk) encourage kids to remain great observers throughout their life by helping them to enhance their understanding and reading body language. For this, we have a lot of activities in the form of camps or party events ranging from public speaking to emotional intelligence or making them great detectives and lots more.

How do you explain critical thinking to a child?2021-01-06T09:28:06+00:00

Some of the effective ways to develop critical thinking in kids is by letting them develop their own hypotheses, making analogies, and reaching conclusion or alternatives of what’s more relevant for them. Say while playing when your child gets stuck on at point don’t jump to help, let them work and try and figure out what to do and how to do and they will reach the solution on their own by trying and intervene only if the kids ask for help.

What are some techniques we can use to improve the self confidence of our 8 year old son?2021-03-04T06:31:56+00:00

Let us first understand what exactly, self-confidence is, in simple words

Self-confidence is an attitude about your skills and abilities.

How can you make your child more self-confident?

  • Teach him to accept and trust himself and have a sense of control in his life.
  • Make him identify his strengths and weaknesses well.
  • Teach him to have a positive yet realistic view of himself.
  • Ask him to set realistic expectations and goals, communicate assertively, and can handle criticism.
  • Building social and people skills can also help the child gain confidence.
  • Emotions also play an important part in self-confidence, make your child aware of his emotions and emotionally intelligent.
What is the best parenting tip to bring up a secure and confident child?2021-03-04T08:03:25+00:00

Parenting is not an easy job. Modern parenting is no cakewalk, that is why understanding your parenting style and how it affects your child is important. Here are some tips which you can try.

Good Communication: Communication is a very important skill we all know that. Nowadays, kids are spending astounding time in front of the screen and because of this shift, they are losing touch with their communication skills. Talking respectfully, teaching them the importance of pauses, promote introspection are some examples you can try.

Know your parenting style: Did you know that, as a parent, your parenting style can affect the intellectual, emotional, and social intelligence of your child. Your awareness towards your child’s feelings and how your ability to soothe, empathize and guide them at the right moment shall determine their success in all walks of life and relationships.

Understand the parenting body language: If you think kids are not listening to you, but they are observing you, they are paying attention to your body language. So it is essential to show positive body language to show your kids that you are trying to understand their feelings.

We understand parenting is a very difficult task, but we need to focus on the emotional and social development of our children. Try these tips to bring up your child secure, and confident.

How do I teach my kids people/social skills?2021-03-04T06:37:04+00:00

Social skills are skills that promote effective communication with others, it includes verbal and nonverbal communication. Most of the time children learn social skills by observation. In their day-to-day life, they observe their peers, relatives, teachers, and most importantly parents.

As a parent, you can try the following tips to develop social skills in your kids.

Practice Role Playing:

Pretend-play, with both younger and older children, is a great way for kids to actively practice their social skills. Have your child pretend to be the person they have difficulty talking to or getting along with. This will give you an idea of what this person is like, or at least how your child perceives this particular person. Then switch roles to see how your child does when pretending to interact with the person.

Suggest ways your child can more effectively talk with the individual. Don’t forget to include body language, such as smiling and making eye contact, when advising your child.

Teach Empathy:

If children have a better understanding of how others feel, they are much more likely to feel connected to other people and form positive bonds. Parents suggest teaching empathy by talking about different situations and scenarios with your child.

Ask how other people might feel when each of these things happens. Part of teaching empathy is to help children learn how to actively listen to others. This involves focusing on what others are saying and then thinking about what the speaker has said once the conversation is over.

Know Your Child’s Limits:

Some children are simply more social than others. A child who is shy and introverted should not be expected to interact in the same way as a naturally outgoing child. Some children are comfortable in large settings, while others find it easier to relate to their peers when in smaller groups.

How do I teach my 8 yo public speaking and social behavior skills?2021-03-04T06:40:36+00:00

First, while teaching your child, try to focus on one skill at a time.

Though kids are great learners, learning one skill at a time will make them understand in a much better way and learn quickly.

There are some ways for which we can help you, but while teaching Public Speaking, you can follow some simple tricks.

1) Make it an enjoyable game – Make it an interactive game that kids should not feel a burden while learning. For example, encourage your child to speak on any topic in front guest at home.

2) Practice – Doing a practice will build confidence in kids and remove the fear of speaking in front of people.

3) Appreciation – Always try to be more appreciative. It will remove the feeling of hesitation to speaking in front of people. As per my experience, giving positive feedback works very well.

4) Listen to them – Try to listen patiently to whatever your child is trying to convey. They will feel comfortable while speaking and realize that speaking has some value.

Now coming to learn Social Behavior skills, let’s understand this first. What problem you are facing in terms of social behavior or what kind of specific thing you want them to learn. Then we can work on this further.

How can I improve my child’s public speaking skills?2021-03-04T06:44:51+00:00

Identify what part of the public speaking skill is difficult for your child, content building part, speaking, learning what to or the way of presenting in front of people. However, if you are not able to figure how to proceed further, here are some simple public speaking tips for kids, which you can follow to improve your child’s skills.

1) Make it an enjoyable game – Play an interactive game with kids, so they feel much more confident, and there will not be any fear of failure. For example, ask your child to share his views.

2) Practice – Practice is the key point of Public Speaking. Doing a practice removes the fear of speaking in front of people. You can do this at home by making them record any game.

3) Appreciation – Try to be more appreciative. It will remove the feeling of hesitation to speaking in front of people. Constructive criticism is also necessary to improve them but, one constructive criticism with two positive feedbacks will always work.

4) Listen to them – Try to listen patiently to whatever your child is trying to convey. They will feel comfortable while speaking and realize that speaking has some value.

When should children be taught public speaking?2021-03-04T06:49:06+00:00

Even though there is no particular age of teaching children anything, researches by many psychologists suggest that there is something called as the sensitive period, the critical period is a time during early postnatal life when the development and maturation of functional properties of the brain, its ‘plasticity’, is strongly dependent on experience or environmental influences. In other words children have an active neuron system that enables them to capture, absorb and retain information. This period is generally from 3 years and lasts up to 12 years. Teaching children seemingly difficult things like public speaking, emotional intelligence etc may not be as difficult since children of this age are like dry sponge and can soak up as much as you give them. Teaching courses like public speaking around age 7 onward is ideal since it gives children a lot of time to form a strong foundation and practice until they enter into the even more competitive world.

What is Kid’s Public Speaking Course – Public Speaking for Kids?2021-03-04T06:53:54+00:00

Public Speaking course for kids is mainly focused on enhancing communication skills and leadership skills. It helps kids to overcome from nervousness to speak in front of a crowd.

In Public speaking course kids are given different formats and situations to face the audience, through activities which gradually build up in complexity, we give children the exposure of different type of situations of public speaking.

But to start with every parent can encourage his/her child to speak in front of people by following simple basic steps at home.

1) Practice – Practice is the key point of Public Speaking. Doing a practice removes the fear of speaking in front of people. You can do this at home by making them record any story telling session or proving any information about their favorite topic.

2) Make it an enjoyable game – Play an interactive game with kids, so they feel much more confident, and there will not be any fear of failure. For example, ask your child to share his ideas, and thoughts.

3) Appreciation – Try to be more appreciative. It will remove the feeling of hesitation to speaking in front of people. Constructive criticism is also necessary to improve them but, one constructive criticism with two positive feedbacks will always work.

4) Listen to them – Try to listen patiently to whatever your child is trying to convey. They will feel comfortable while speaking and realize that speaking has some value.

How can you teach your kids non-verbal communication?2021-03-04T06:55:19+00:00

Kids are really intelligent and receptive. As simple as it may be to influence them they take both verbal and non-verbal cues very seriously. It is important to actively and healthily communicate with the child.

Sometimes non-verbal methods of communication go a long way. Here are a few ways you can use to communicate with your child non-verbally.

Show them what being confident looks like:

  • Standing with a slight gap between the legs and hands and making the body frame a little bigger helps the child look more confident.
  • Maintain eye contact with the child. This will help them understand how confident you are, and they would end up doing the same.

    Teach them your non-verbal love language:

  • Children need to feel secure and supported. You can show them your love, support and warmth by comforting them and holding them.
  • Bend down to your child’s level. This shows you want to be close and helps your child feel secure. It also helps with eye contact, especially for younger children.

    Your voice and tone says a lot:

  • Use a pleasant tone of voice and a relaxed body posture and facial expression when you talk with your child. This sends the message that you’re ready to listen. It also makes it easy for your child to tell the difference when you’re not happy with their behavior.
  • Even if you want to say something about your child’s mistakes don’t say it in a taunting way. Make your tone firm but not sarcastic. This makes the child even more anxious and resentful.
What are must skills for kids to survive in future (9 to 12 year old) ? emotional intelligent, critical thinking …2022-09-23T12:10:29+00:00

Children are great observers right from a very young age. While interacting with kids you might have observed they react to things correctly, and they can’t articulate what they are feeling. So, it is really important for kids to develop some social skills, to be ready for the future.

For enhancing this skill of kids we at Cuekids (an initiative of Simply Body Talk) offers some courses in which you can enroll your child.

Emotional intelligence course: In this, unlock your emotional superpower course, by using lots of interactive activities, games, role-plays and craft work, we teach kids to be able to understand, comprehend, and tackle their emotions and thus become more emotionally intelligent.

Here is the Link: Unlock your Emotional SuperPower

Be Future Ready Course: Through this future ready course camp your kid will learn to sharpen his social skills to understand and interact better with the world around him. This he will be doing by exploring what different professions are all about, and what it means to play out different roles. By learning different styles of conversing and using the right body language as per the situation, your child would become prepared to adapt to any situation.

Here is the Link: Course Be Future Ready

If you have any queries, please get in touch with us. We are always happy to help you. Book Free Trial

What can we do for social and emotional development of our kids?2021-03-04T08:02:34+00:00

Social skills are skills that promote effective interactions with others. There are various social skills as well as several ways in which we interact with people daily. Social skills include written, verbal, nonverbal, and visual interaction used to relay a message to others. As a parent, you can try simple steps to improve your child’s social skills and emotional skills.

1) Practice Role Playing

Pretending role-play will help them to learn to share, expressing themselves, how to tackle emotions. Ask your child to be the person whom he finds difficulty in talking. Try to interact with them, suggest some effective tips to communicate, like making eye contact, a smile on the face, and then switch the roles.

2) Teach them to ask questions

Sometimes, when kids get nervous or when they fail to communicate with others, then they may become quieter and more introverted, which ultimately results in struggling with social skills. It is recommended to encourage your child to ask questions that will answer beyond yes or no. This will help with to know more about others and to build a bond.

3) Be a Good Role Model

Children are constantly observing the surrounding adults. So it is essential to be aware and act consciously while interacting with others. Try to be a good listener in communication, show genuine empathy for others in your life. Being an effective role model requires conscious efforts.

Always remember, to praise your child while trying all the above tips. They need to know if they are doing good with the social skills, which also will help them to express emotionally how they are feeling about all the situations.

How do you improve a child’s social skills and relationship with peers?2021-03-22T11:42:01+00:00

Social skills are the skills, that need to be learned, refined, and practice. Social skills require strong understanding of body language skills – it is all about using behavior to communicate to improve relationship with peers. You can look for opportunities where you can teach or help your child to do better. Here are some games which you can follow.

Turn-taking games: Encourage your child in the games which involve turn-taking. Like passing the parcel. This is the best way to teach them to have patience and, be respectful towards others.

Group games: These games will help them to boost teamwork, how to play fairly, it is ok to lose games, resolve conflicts, offering help to others. Group games such as Devil’s advocate, catch the dragon’s tail, and much more. This will encourage kids good sportsmanship.

Party games: Introducing any games in such an environment where kids having fun with peers will be more effective when it comes to teaching them social skills. Party games will help kids to understand other’s perspectives like playing cards where it requires choosing solutions.

Are there any good online public speaking courses for kids that also provide interaction/feedback?2022-09-23T12:10:13+00:00

Well nowadays, parents are more aware about Public speaking courses for kids. And yes, why should not, because Public speaking courses help kids to build confidence to speak, put their views, thoughts in front of the Audience.

CueKids is India’s first company that does skill-building programs for kids based on body language. Our Public speaking courses include a lot more than just developing speeches.
We focus on building a foundation for your child right from confidence building, to their hand gestures walking style, vocabulary building you name it !
All these things are taught in a very fun and interactive way which includes a lot of activities during the class. Small number of students in a batch, so we don’t compromise on quality and personal attention. Every parent can approach us for personal feedback, and we will answer.
We also do Personal coaching in which the course will be customized as per your child’s needs and wants.

How can I improve my child’s communication skills?2021-04-19T07:23:42+00:00

Growing children go through a lot of emotional and hormonal ups and downs and so do parents. Communication skills take a lot of self, emotional and social understanding. It is also important that parents understand their own and their kid’s

interaction style

and build their communication based on that. A few simple things that you can do on an everyday basis can include the following :

  • Talk about the day’s activities.
  • Talk with your child about the books you read together.
  • Have conversation with your child about the TV programs and videos you watch together.
  • Keep books, magazines, and other reading material where kids can reach them without help.
  • Give your child a little space and freedom to express themselves and hear them out.
What are the games that improves social and emotional skills in children?2021-04-19T07:26:20+00:00

Games and activities for kids to teach them social skills are the best way to learn good behavior, to learn about emotions when around with people. Games can teach them patience, respect, recognizing body language. Social skills are skills that promote effective interactions with others. Below are a few tips you can try.

Pretend Play: Have your child pretend to be the person they have difficulty talking to or getting along with. This will give you an idea of what this person is like, or at least how your child perceives this particular person. Then switch roles to see how your child does when pretending to interact with the person. Become a teacher, a doctor, will help them to adapt to new situations and respond to emotions.

Suggest ways your child can more effectively talk with the individual. Don’t forget to include body language, such as smiling and making eye contact, when advising your child.

Simon Says: This is a very common game among kids. As they follow the instructions given by another friend. This helps them to be attentive while playing and follow the game rules.

Teaching Empathy: Teaching empathy is to help children learn how to actively listen to others. Games like productive debate, storytelling, puppet shows. This involves focusing on what others are saying and then thinking about what the speaker has said once the conversation is over.

Promote introspection: Children can learn a lot about their emotions and why are they experiencing them. For example games like team sports, the expression mimicking games. This will help them understand themselves which is as important as communicating with someone else. This will allow them to understand the surrounding people.

Why is it important to promote social/emotional skills in children?2021-04-19T07:32:47+00:00

Yes it is very much important to promote social skills and emotional skills in children for effective interactions with others, understanding others and expressing themselves in a better way. The following are points are other essential reasons to be considered, to promote social/emotional skills in children.

  1. Good social skills help kids to have a brighter future.
  2. Kids become empathetic, good listener, which help them to form better and solid friendships and relationships.
  3. It improves good communication skills. Being able to convey our thoughts and ideas effectively may be the single most important skill that we can develop in life. Helping kids to develop them early on will definitely set your child up for success.
  4. Social skills also imply learning to organize and work efficiently without hassle or chaos.
What are some examples of social skills for a child?2021-04-19T07:37:19+00:00

There are various social skills as well as several ways in which we interact with people on a daily basis. Social skills include written, verbal, nonverbal and visual interaction used to relay a message to others. Common ways in which you exercise your social skills are:

  • The language you use
  • Cooperating and coordinating in a team
  • Organization skills
  • The way you manage small or big interactions with strangers
  • Your body language
  • Eye contact with others when interacting.

How does having good social skills benefit my child?

  • Better educational and career outcomes
  • Stronger friendships:
  • Great Communication Skills
  • More Efficiency
How do I know which course to choose for my child?2022-09-23T12:17:07+00:00

You can opt for a free consult with our trainer. We will understand your child’s interests and personality and suggest the best course for them. We have a detailed pre-assessment session to understand the child’s skillset for each personal session as well as group session.

What if my child is shy to interact in group activities?2022-09-23T12:17:10+00:00

The activities are designed to encourage all children to overcome their shyness, build confidence and make new friends. Day One of our sessions ensures that kids mingle well and are comfortable with one another and the trainer. Each session has a mix of different activities to encourage children to open up, bond and learn from each other.

What techniques do you use to teach your child social skills at home?2021-06-10T09:16:56+00:00

First let us understand what are social skills and what qualities do they include?

Social skills are skills that promote effective interactions with others. There are various social skills as well as several ways in which we interact with people on a daily basis. Social skills include written, verbal, nonverbal and visual interaction used to relay a message to others. Common ways in which you exercise your social skills are:

  • The language you use
  • Cooperating and coordinating in a team
  • Organization skills
  • The way you manage small or big interactions with strangers
  • Your body language
  • Eye contact with others when interacting

What can Parents do at home?

  • Practice Role Playing: Pretend-play, with both younger and older children, is a great way for kids to actively practice their social skills. Have your child pretend to be the person they have difficulty talking to or getting along with. Suggest ways your child can more effectively talk with the individual. Don’t forget to include body language, such as smiling and making eye contact, when advising your child.
  • Teach Empathy :If children have a better understanding of how others feel, they are much more likely to feel connected to other people and form positive bonds. Parents suggest teaching empathy by talking about different situations and scenarios with your child.
  • Know Your Child’s Limits: Some children are simply more social than others. A child who is shy and introverted should not be expected to interact in the same way as a child who is naturally outgoing. Some children are comfortable in large settings, while others find it easier to relate to their peers when in smaller groups.
What are Activities for developing Emotional Intelligence?2021-06-10T09:18:10+00:00

Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others claim it’s an inborn characteristic.

There are a few simple steps you can do to develop your child’s emotional intelligence

  • Focus on your own emotions first.
  • Try to understand what you feel in different scenarios and identify if your child feels the same way or differently.
  • Find both yours and your child’s emotional trigger.
  • An emotional trigger would be the things that cause you to feel or respond to a certain emotion. You can do this by introspecting your behavior and responses.
  • Encourage your child to observe others and their emotions.
  • Good emotional intelligence can help children tackle difficulties effectively.

Impact of Emotional Intelligence on children

They start thinking before reacting Emotionally intelligent children have greater Self-Awareness Children develop higher empathy for others

We should expose our kids to programs which help them emotional intelligence.

What is the effect of parenting on the personality development of a child?2021-06-10T09:19:14+00:00

Parenting style means attitude and behaviors, parents show to their kids to manage their children behaviors by controlling them, punishment, caring, and showing affection towards them.

It is important to understand your parenting style, which should be supporting healthy growth and development because it is going to impact them lifelong.

Read more about what effects do your parenting style has on your child.

Authoritarian Parenting: This type of parents demand more out of children but do not take responsibility to explain the child. They attempt to micromanage every step their child takes. They make rules but seldom give explanations for them.

Effects on Children: Children have low self-esteem and low self-confidence since they have hardly done anything according to their wish.

Reliable parenting: Reliable parenting is warm and responsive. They provide guidance and utilize reasoning to make their kids understand.

Effects on Children: Kids become more self-confident and secure about their abilities and are more open to learning new things.

Pessimistic Parenting: Pessimistic parents set very few boundaries and rarely impose any rules over children. These parents are nurturing and warm, but they do not like to say no or to disappoint their children.

Effects on kids: These children struggle with decision-making and since their parents have not made them understand the causes and consequences of things.

So must identify your parenting style, to ensure that your children don’t get negatively affected. Because the way you interact with your child and how you discipline will make their personality.

What are some good ways to increase a child’s self esteem?2021-06-10T09:24:35+00:00

Self-esteem may be defined as how much you appreciate and like yourself regardless of the circumstances. Your self-esteem is defined by many factors including Self-confidence, feeling of security, identity, sense of belonging, feeling of competence.

It also impacts your decision-making process, your relationships, your emotional health, and your overall well-being.

Help your child learn to do things : Encourage your child to at least try out things by themselves. Like dressing by themselves, reading books, riding bicycles.

Praise your child but do not over-praise : It’s always good to praise your child constructively. Focus on attempts, instead of results.

Boost their strengths : Help your kids to convert their weaknesses into strengths. They will feel good about themselves.

Let kids help : Helping and kind acts build self-esteem and other good feelings.

Self-esteem influences motivation, as people with a healthy, positive view of themselves understand their potential and may feel inspired to take on new challenges.

At what time will the sessions be organised?2022-09-24T03:57:58+00:00

For personal coaching, each session can be scheduled as per the convenience of the child

What if my child needs to reschedule a session?2022-09-24T03:59:10+00:00

That’s absolutely fine! We would require you to inform the teacher by start of the day maximum if you need to reschedule a session.

What will be the exact content of the coaching?2022-09-24T04:07:17+00:00

The pre assessment of the child will help us determine their personality and interest. That will help us finalise the content. We will be sharing the outline before starting the program.

Can we combine contents of different modules?2022-09-26T11:02:42+00:00

Ideally, we would recommend to select any specific module from our available options and customise content from within that module as per your requirements so that we can go deep into the subject and help the child acquire a specific skill set. However, you can discuss with the teacher.

What if we want topics not mentioned here?2022-09-26T11:05:04+00:00

We are happy to help! The objective of a personalised coaching is to help you with specific requirements, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team and discuss what you would like us to cover.

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