Public speaking is a very important skill for kids at a young age. Research shows that children with good public speaking skills perform better in class. Through public speaking skills, kids get better critical thinking skills, communication skills, listening skills,  presentation skills, etc. This allows kids to present their ideas with a lot more conviction and confidence in a day to day scenario

We cover all this in our Public Speaking courses (both level 1 and level 2) In the advanced Level 2 course, children learn about public speaking in a lot more detail and also acquire some very crucial skills like:

Ability To Influence & Persuade

Even if you are the smartest person in the room, you cannot make people believe in an idea or a vision without the ability to influence. The ability to influence people and persuade them will help your kids to become true leaders. In the rising age of social media, it’s a very crucial skill for your kids as they are going to be future leaders and they need to have the ability to share their ideas with the world and influence them. In our course, we achieve this by incorporating various persuasion techniques. For example, having the ability to influence people will help your kids to form better bonds with their friends and help them take up leadership roles. The same will reflect in their work-life later on.

Know more about Public Speaking Course for Kids


Presence of mind – the ability to think on the spot

No matter which profession your children are going to pursue, there are always going to be situations that will catch them off guard and they will have to tackle them; how they will tackle these will completely depend on their presence of mind. A good leader had to make decisions for themself and their team in a limited amount of time. For example, having a presence of mind will help kids manage stressful situations they might be facing in school or with their friends. We in our course expose kids to different types of unexpected twists and turns which force them to think on the spot.

Stress management

As working professionals, business leaders, and homemakers we all understand that we are always going to keep on facing stressful situations in every walk of life. The ability to manage stress will play a crucial role in deciding how high they reach in the career path they choose. Stress management allows kids to get along better with family and friends, sleep better, get sick less often, feel better faster when they do get sick to name a few. As far as public speaking goes “73% of the population struggles with a fear of public speaking to a certain degree.” In our course, we take kids through an experience that is more stressful than a real public speaking scenario, so that they learn to manage that stress and actual public speaking situations don’t feel more stressful.  Of course, this exposure is given in a safe environment and we ensure that all participants are relaxed and ready before doing these challenging activities.

You may also like to read: 5 Public Speaking Techniques for Kids to become A Good Public Speaker
