We all know public speaking is very important and crucial in all the professions your child might choose to pursue when they grow up. But is the skill of just public speaking enough? Will public speaking alone help them to reach a higher level in their career of choice?

No, other nonverbal skills are also required by kids in this day and age to succeed in their respective fields. And we all understand it is not good to burden kids with a lot of courses and classes. So we need to make sure that they acquire multiple skills simultaneously and in a way that is not stressful or too heavy for them. That’s why we have strategically designed our courses in which kids learn a variety of life skills along with the course content in a very fun-filled manner and through a completely activity-based format.

1. Getting better at Humor

Have you heard the saying that laughter is the best medicine? The same goes for your children’s laughter – something which is of much greater importance than we give credit for. Laughter has multiple physical health benefits, mental health benefits, social benefits, and so on. Research states that “When used in the classroom, for example, it brings students into the community of professionals, by making them feel like part of the in-group. This secret handshake of I-get-it humor is a mutual shared bond between the joke teller and the audience.” This is just one type of humor but in our course, we teach kids different techniques, and more importantly, how to deliver humor. Humor will help your kids to actually form deeper and better bonds with their peers.

2. More aware and Adaptable

In our courses of Public Speaking, we teach children to be more observant and aware of their surroundings. A very important part of being good at social situations is the ability to tweak your verbal and nonverbal communication based on various situations. In our course we expose kids to various different situations, and they have to identify what kind of situation it is, for example, formal or casual. After which they learn about how to tweak and adapt themselves to the situations.

3. Creative Thinking

Creative thinking is one of the most important skills of Public Speaking if not the most important. It is essential for any and every situation,” CEOs say creativity is the #1 factor for future success. – IBM”. Creative thinking skills are developed by kids during our course by participation in the activity specially designed to make them think out of the box and solve problems. In our courses, we strategically use impromptu activities to maximize the creative thinking and problem-solving skills

4. Critical thinking

Critical thinking skill is basically the ability of the kids to identify, analyze, and evaluate content or skills. Kids who master their critical thinking skills are able to differentiate between which influences will shape their personality and which influences will not. Critical thinking allows kids to evaluate their thoughts and ideas. It is developed by kids with the help of various debate activities that we undertake, especially in our higher-level courses.

Know more about our Public Speaking Course for Kids


Friedman, Linda & Friedman, Hershey. (2003). I-Get-It as a Type of Bonding Humor: The Secret Handshake. SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.913622.
