Interview with Siddhant Mirji

Welcome to the Achiever’s corner, where we speak with children who are already very good at other skills, and yet opt for our skill-building programs for kids. We ask them how they derive value from our course, and what takeaways from the CueKids’ course would stay with them for a long time. Let us take a look at the interview with Siddhant Mirji.

Siddhant Mirji

He is a natural artist and loves performing on stage be it singing, acting, dancing, or anchoring! He loves to read and travel and is a self confessed chatterbox  as someone who loves exploring new activities, he is currently experimenting with cooking. A sports enthusiast, he dabbles in many kinds of sports such as cricket, football, and tennis but aspires to be a cricketer.

Hi Siddhant, thank you for giving us this short interview! I know you attended our course Being a Great Detective. The audience would be thrilled to know about you and your experience with the course.

Let’s begin with a little something about you. What would you like to share about yourself?

So what are your hobbies?
I love sports, particularly football and cricket. For both these sports, I am playing for my school teams.

Well, that’s great! Let’s come to the course Being a Great Detective. 

What life skills would you say you learned?

In general, I was not very observant. Attending the course has improved my observational skills. For example, the activity which we did, finding things from various reflections. I am more of a keen observer than before.

How about Body language?

I can now understand other people’s body language much better. If I have a dirty hand, and I give a handshake, people slightly shrug and that’s how I notice. I also understand my mom’s body language, when she is angry she is stiffer than usual.

Interview with Siddhant Mirji 1

How was the course different?

It was a lot of fun. The whole camp was very well conducted. It was like a mystery movie, suspense was waiting to be revealed. We really had a great time.

Any inputs about Trainer?

Many things that I liked! All the sessions were very well conducted. None of the days were the slightest bit boring so I know the trainer put in good efforts there. I really enjoyed it all.

Which was your favorite activity during the camp?
Every activity that we did was very interesting. It would be difficult to name just one. In fact, if a higher level course is planned, I would be thrilled to join again!

By |2021-11-18T07:15:04+00:00January 13th, 2021|Achiever’s Corner|0 Comments

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About the Author:

Unnati is the Skills Trainer at CueKids. She conducts our group courses for kids. Unnati has a background in psychology and experience in teaching communication skills to children.

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