Interview with Aneri Bhatt2022-01-06T12:47:57+00:00


Welcome to the Achiever’s corner, where we speak with children who are already very good at other skills, and yet opt for our skill building programs. We ask them how they derive value from our course, and what takeaways from the Cuekids’ course would stay with them for a long time. Let us take look at interview with Aneri Bhatt

Aneri Bhatt

Be Future Ready Course

Aneri Bhatt is a student in Grade 4. She has been a recipient of Outstanding Student award, Best Athlete etc from her school Pawar Public School Bhandup, Mumbai. Aneri loves dance and music and has been training for Bharatnatyam and classical piano since four years. She describes what she found unique about our program Be Future Ready.

Know more about the Course

In this course, Be Future Ready, your kid will learn to sharpen his social skills to understand and interact better with the world around him. This he will be doing by exploring what different professions are all about, and what it means to play out different roles. By learning different styles of conversing and using the right body language as per the situation, your child would become prepared to adapt to any situation.

Tips on Parenting

Read our articles on how you can improve your bonding with your child and teach him essential skills to improve his relations with friends and family and to enhance his natural confidence.

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