After years of preparation,the path to adulthood has finally begun for your kids, let them march ahead to college to begin this ‘new phase of life’. Here are a few essential aspects which all of us parents need to keep in mind as our children transition from school life to college life:

Culture transition

College is a setting where individuals are trained and taught on how to make the transition from teenager to professional corporate life. Students are frequently constrained by protocols and disciplinary laws in schools which they are tempted to break but refrain from doing out of fear of being caught and punished. In contrast, students in colleges are also constrained by laws but this has little bearing on the sense of freedom they experience.

It might appear like a challenging shift when unfamiliar people are all around and you would disappear from the vicinity of your child, but you should teach them to remain calm, keep their concentration on their primary objective, and ingest facts and knowledge to prosper.

Following are some tips and tricks to keep in mind when your child shifts high school environment to college ambience:
1. Deciding which course to pursue

You, as a parent, have a significant impact on how your child develops their career and makes job decisions. You should encourage your child to pursue as many academic opportunities as they can, assist them in identifying their innate qualities and abilities, expand their understanding of the working world, and teach them how to make decisions.

Additionally, you should value cultural diversity and gender equity, be aware of professional options and educational and training possibilities, and keep an eye on the consequences of work experience.

Do not forget the COVID-19 protocols.

2. Enrichment of verbal and nonverbal skills

Although having a solid foundation in the traditional “hard” subjects like writing, mathematics, and science will always be valued in both the academic and professional realms, an increasing number of employers’ desire prospective employees with verbal and nonverbal communication skills.

Why verbal communication?

Verbal communication fills in knowledge gaps and clarifies misconceptions. Clarification is a key component of verbal communication Strong verbal communication can be utilised to rectify a mistake since words have greater impact than actions do. It may also be employed as a tool for persuasion, fosters discussion and the ability to think creatively, strengthens existing connections and forges new ones. 

Why nonverbal skills?

Non-verbal communication coexists with verbal communication and can have a subtle but important impact on how people perceive and interact. Body language involves motions, expressions on the face and in the eyes, posture, and eye contact. 

Read: How can Body Language help children build Confidence?

Michael Argyle lists five key purposes of non-verbal communication in his book “Bodily Communication”: to convey emotions, communicate interpersonal connections, promote verbal engagement, reflect personality, and carry out rituals like hellos and goodbyes. When a person listens well, verbal communication improves. 

Understanding another person’s perspective is necessary for effective listening, which goes beyond just hearing. Guide your child to spend some time reflecting before speaking to make sure their points are well-expressed. Make them understand the importance of  allowing others to speak and take the floor and give themself some time to think about the matter at hand. Non-verbal communication may be improved by paying attention to others’ body language, intonation, and facial expressions as well as by being aware of their own emotions. Using a video camera and an audio recorder, capture themself to learn more about nonverbal communication style.

college life

3. Emotional roller coaster 

You need to comprehend and convey to your ward that the beginning of a freshman year is emotionally charged. They will go through a period of numerous changes and a roller coaster of emotions. Encourage them not to worry since their peers would be feeling the same way about it.Some emotional crises include feeling anxious about the first day of classes,moment of uncertainty, and homesick. Some Immediately following the first week of classes, these jitters subside. They will become accustomed to finding their way to classes, establish a productive study schedule, and even get to know the professors.

4. Responding to college culture

A lot of communities, especially Asian American ones, think that sending their kids to school will give them valuable knowledge and skills. They eventually enroll in college while pursuing their interests in order to get ready for the workforce and land a high-paying job. If they follow this path, they would lead rather contented lives.In contrast Sir Robinson, creativity expert, and educationalist, describes it, “Life is not linear; it’s organic. We create our lives symbiotically as we explore our talents in relation to the circumstances they help to create for us.”

Parents should place a strong emphasis on their children’s linguistic and logical abilities rather than encouraging them to believe that getting good grades in college is the only option and to disregard other options like apprenticeships and vocational training. Students’ thinking abilities are impacted by the culture of chasing after grades, which causes them to become theorists rather than rational thinkers.

5. Cultural concerns to be addressed 

Cultural diversity is the blending of various cultures into one larger culture, and it can be one of the most educational experiences one has in an academic setting. Overcoming personal biases—the propensity to favour one thing over another, frequently with unfavourable outcomes—is a challenge that diversity brings. You should nurture them by teaching them how to respect and interact with people from different cultural backgrounds.

Where your child attends college is heavily influenced by cultural comfort. To get a sense of campus life, make sure you visit the campus together while classes are in session. If your child is serious about going, have them stay the night before they decide. Make every effort as a parent to close this confidence gap. Encourage your child to schedule appointments with the instructor, a tutor, and an academic advisor. a lot of students who are reluctant to ask for assistance because they perceive it as a sign of weakness. Encourage an academic problem-solving strategy that avoids self-blame.

6. Understanding budget tracking

Making sure kids understand budgeting and saving is a crucial component of their education because it will not only benefit them in the here and now but also throughout the rest of their lives.

7. Time management 

College students have a serious problem managing their time. Teaching your child time management doesn’t have to happen right before the big day; it can happen when they’ve gotten used to their schedule and are developing bad habits. It would be beneficial to have a discussion about procrastination problems and how to plan study sessions.

We frequently have a tendency to neglect some crucial components of our child’s education that are far more significant than our definition of a successful life while diligently fulfilling the duty of parents and on a mission to help our child toward a successful life. In these turbulent times, as parents, we have a special chance to encourage resilience in our kids and their friends. We can keep promoting safety, academic success, and social inclusion in the face of current cultural anxieties. Children are more likely to perform better when their parents are actively involved in their schooling. The ideas listed above are only a few of the methods to get involved in your children’s academic performance.

Know more about Confidence building programs for teenagers