Interview with Dev Gohil2025-02-28T05:48:13+00:00


Welcome to the Achiever’s corner, where we speak with children who are already very good at other skills, and yet opt for our skill building programs. We ask them how they derive value from our course, and what takeaways from the Cuekids’ course would stay with them for a long time. Let us take a look at the interview with Dev Gohil

Dev Gohil

Public Speaking

Dev is great with Maths and Tennis. He opted for our courses Emotional Intelligence and Public Speaking. Watch our video as Dev shares what he liked about these courses and how our tips on Public speaking helped him during his next school presentation. And how he could decipher his friend’s emotions on the tennis field better.

Know more about the Course

In this course, Public Speaking, we work with kids in different public speaking formats and situations. Public Speaking can sometimes be challenging for kids who haven’t faced audiences before. Through activities which gradually build up in complexity, we give children the exposure of different type of situations of public speaking. While sharing simple, easy to remember body language tricks, we would also be guiding them on great ways to build content for their speech through the interactive exercises done.

Tips on Parenting

Read our articles on how you can improve your bonding with your child and teach him essential skills to improve his relations with friends and family and to enhance his natural confidence.

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