Emotional Intelligence Module

Brought to you by body language specialists


personality prodigy program

Emotions can sometimes be confusing or overwhelming for children, especially when they are still learning the ways of the world. This course aims to help children understand themselves better, deepen their relationships and help them become sorted personalities. This ultimately leads to greater success in all walks of life, academics and even otherwise. All concepts are discussed through fun activities and unique body language techniques.

This course will help your child to:

Course Unlock your Emotional Superpower 1

Understand their emotions

Course Unlock your Emotional Superpower 2

Deepen relations

Course Unlock your Emotional Superpower 3

Introspect better

Course Unlock your Emotional Superpower 4

Achieve higher success

Skills Development

Here are some of the skills that your child will gain through this interactive fun filled online Emotional Intelligence Module.

Course Unlock your Emotional Superpower 5

Expressing self

Course Unlock your Emotional Superpower 6

Relationship building

Course Unlock your Emotional Superpower 7


Course Unlock your Emotional Superpower 8

Self management


Course Unlock your Emotional Superpower 9


Level One introduces the children to the key concepts of what emotional intelligence is, how basic emotions function. Kids will learn to identify and tackle these emotions in themselves, their families and friends thus creating stronger bonds with those around them.

Course Unlock your Emotional Superpower 10


 We dig deeper into emotions in a way that children can understand, relate to, and apply in their daily lives. This level helps them to understand concepts of emotional intelligence which are beyond basic emotions, like secondary emotions, introspection, preventing burn out and so on.

Level One Course Outlines

Day 1-3

Importance of emotions

Day 4-6

Tackling emotions

Day 7-9

Bonding with parents

Day 10-12

Being better communicators

Day 13-14

Empathy in friendship

Course Showcase

Recap of concepts through project

Level Two Course Outlines

Day 1-2

Recap of concepts

Secondary emotions

Day 3-5

Building emotional vocabulary

Expressing self

Day 6-8

Emotions versus logic

“Negative” emotions

Day 9-11

Self awareness

All about others

Day 12-14

Burn out

Self regulation

Days 15

Project showcase


The whole course was very interactive and the back end team was also very responsive. Only company in India which was so professional and communication was easy. The quality of the content was maintained throughout the course. The camps were fun filled yet it always had a learning edge. My child got personal attention which I really appreciated.

-Shweta Srivastava

Experience of Emotional Intelligence online module was good and helpful as per kids feedback . They say it’s good for their future and even I believe so as I have myself attended few of your sessions. Favorite activity during the camp was story making.

Continue the good work.

- Seema Gohil Mother of Dev and Devanshi

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About CueKids

Equipping Kids to become Leaders of tomorrow with Nonverbal Communication

Since 2019, we specialise in building nonverbal communication focused programs for children in order to sharpen their life skills. CueKids has been featured as one of the top 21 Great Small Companies to watch out for in 2021. We are an initiative by Simply Body Talk an organisation that has built a name internationally in the space of nonverbal communication and has worked with well known companies like Deloitte, Capgemini, Panasonic, Fujifilm, Adani, Essar and so on. All our courses are designed by our experts in body language and are experienced psychologists who have spent years working with kids from across the globe.